Mostly Wordless Wednesday in IG

I didn’t think a lot had happened since I posted last time but then I went back and reviewed my Instagram pics and was like holy shitsnacks, Batman!

Kids and soccer and baseball.
Babies being born.
Grandpa dying.
Yard blooming.
Brotherly stuff.
School ending.
Car sales.
Mama ducks.

So here’s just some of what’s been going on and I’ll keep my blathering to a minimum.


Soccer wrapped up (thankyouverymuch!) and we survived, somehow. 

That’s my baby, second from the right.

Big baby. (And as soon as I saw this pic we drove straight to the salon for 2 boy haircuts. Wowza.)

My yard started blooming. I love my house this time of year more than any other.

Peony. I only got 3 this year. Sadness.

Yellow Rose of Tex . . . , er, Idaho.

I love taking pics of sunsets. Or sunrises (but I’m not usually awake that early now). Or Sunbursts. Or the sky in general.

It’s like a blank canvas every day and the sun and the clouds are the artists.

I think I have a problem. I should get a bumper sticker that says, “I brake for sunsets.”

Baseball started for my oldest .

We’re Dodgers this year. Also? Sunburst.

And here’s a few other random pics because I just can’t get into the bigger stuff right now. Yet. But I will.

My little dude got to help his Papa steer the golf cart after the battery died. Shhh – don’t tell the other grandkids. It’s Papa’s rule that the kids can’t drive it until they are 13.

Even 10 year olds need Daddy cuddles sometimes.

Mama got a new pair of shades. Oh yeah, baby.

I hope your Spring and Early Summer are  fun, beautiful and full of happiness.



Baseball Mom

It’s starting. I’ve resisted for a long time – he’s too young, he’s not ready, let’s just do martial arts instead – but now it’s time. To push it off any further would be doing him a disservice.
My oldest has joined an organized sports team. Baseball, to be specific. 
3 weeks ago when I reminded my son that he was signed up for baseball and it would be starting soon he had a gigantic fit. He didn’t want to do it, how could I make him and why didn’t I warn him before I signed him up? Well, he knew I was signing him up, he chose baseball over soccer, and I even double-checked with him. So what was the problem? Nerves. He was scared to meet new people and do something he wasn’t used to doing.
2 weeks ago when my mom & stepdad were here they bought him a bat, a couple baseballs, and a mitt. We went out to a baseball diamond at a school nearby and practiced a bit. After that I didn’t hear a word of complaint.
Last night we went to the first practice. I signed all the forms, got his uniform and signed up to bring the snacks for one of the games. In true sports mom form.
I was so proud of him last night. No nerves last night. He jumped right in. And when the coach was asking for a volunteer to demonstrate where center field was he raised his arm the highest.  
In the next 5 weeks we have 4 practices and 10 games. Here we go.
He’s an Angel. And a handsome devil.
His brother giving him words of encouragement just before his first time up to bat.
Because I love themed collages.